Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A very happy, healthy, creative and prosperous New Year is in my thoughts for us all, and 2008 finds me re-organizing my studio. Once this is complete, I will start giving the garage a shakedown to make room for some bigger, messier work I want to do this summer.

Ron, has really been enjoying photographing wildlife...He found a couple of Osprey nests this summer not too far from home, and we enjoyed going out and watching/taking photos of the parents feeding and caring for their offspring and watching as the chicks learned to fly and hunt for food on their own. The photo below of a young Osprey shaking the water off of his feathers after having unsuccessfully plunged into the river for a fish is one of my favorites. If you'd like to see the whole pictoral story of him learning to hunt for his own food, go to

Ron is also currently taking photos of some Eagles and their nests...I will post photos later.

He is also participating in a photographic scavenger hunt through an online group. One of my favorites of his shots on the hunt list is this one of grape candy...

As for me, I am making very slow progress on getting my studio re-organized...I have so many thoughts in my head about creative projects but don't seem to be able to get past the part about getting organized so I can start making them a reality! :~)

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